We had only a day to make a game, so we went through very few ideas before finally deciding on the one that was the easiest for us to make and funniest for you to play.
What went right:
- All of the game was divided into unrelated levels and had scripts that would automate the loading process. That way we could make levels up until the deadline without risking for the game to become unplayable.
- We already had Unity prepared to work with SVN – that allowed us to work separately on art and code without depending on one another, experiment and send changes back and forth – we knew that any mistake could be reverted and the code would not be lost. That really sped up the development.
- We communicated. A lot.
What went wrong:
- While planning, we didn’t really leave time for anything interface-wise, that’s why we lost a couple of hours trying to hastily implement a menu that could not work with the reset of the game. It came out buggy and eventually we dropped it completely.
- We are not any good at music and sounds, so we ended up with something primitive.
- Some puzzles were too unclear for the players – the jam ended at 4 AM local time and our gamer friends are mostly asleep at that time hence the limited feedback.
We still have so many ideas for new puzzles (we only implemented about a fourth of everything we thought of), that it would be bad to abandon this game. Right now, we are going to revamp the menu, animations and update some graphics. When that part is solid – we will keep adding more puzzles until we run out of ideas.
You can play Ludum Dare version here: Dude, Stop
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